Views from a Child's eyes

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I was so happy when mummy told me................

that Aunty Jean and Aunty Caroline is coming by to our house later.

Meanwhile, I've just made my way back home with ma-ma, duakim and duagu. Dua-gu had to go back to work in the evening, so they let me have my afternoon nap first before going to Punggol and then Dua-gu can stay awhile before heading to his workplace in Hougang.

The first thing I did when I got back home, was to run straight into the bedroom and kissed mummy and mei-mei. I was so happy to see mei-mei.

This is my dua-kim, whom I will marry when I'm 10yrs old.
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This is my mei-mei
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I kept asking mummy why it took Aunty Jean and Caroline so long to come to our house. I was getting impatient coz' I like to have somebody to play with.
When they came by later, Aunty Jean gave me a big bag of goodies. Wow! Next time I want them to come more often. Heehee!! I told Aunty Jean that I have to put my chocolates in the fridge so the ants cannot come to eat them. I brought Aunty Caroline to my room to take my pencil. And we started doing my assesment book, she later played "Scissors,Paper,Stone" with me. She's so lousy.... I won so many times.
They left after staying for an hour or more. I was so sad but I had to bade them goodbye. I hope mummy will bring me out with them next time.
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