Views from a Child's eyes

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Just what is mummy up to?

First, mummy can't wait to bring in to school today. Then she pulls me out from school at 2pm. I was dreaming of my lollipops when Ms Chan had to wake up up *slurp* .
When we got back mama's home, mummy gave me another shower when I just had mine in school not long ago. Immediately she took my short and shirt to the kitchen. Was she trying to burn them? I saw her putting them in a pot and stiring. What is mummy cooking huh?
Then came the interrogation part:
M : Did Braxton touch you in school?
A: No
M: Did you touch Braxton in school?
A: No
M: Now, Braxton has HFMD, mummy wants you to wash your hands everytime you touch something. I'm going to let you stay at home for one week.
A: (Yippee!!! Means I can play and play. No need to attend school. And watch all my VCDs) (But just what is HFMD? I've got Hands, Foot and Mouth what......... so is it an illness?)
Then I don't know if mummy's senile or what. Asked me the same questions again 15 minutes later.
Is mummy being overtly conscious?


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