Views from a Child's eyes

Monday, June 05, 2006

Tang Poems learnt in school

I have learnt a few more new Tang Poems from Qiu 老师. When we were in Bali, mummy explained to me the meanings of the last poem I've learnt. Reason being, Qiu 老师 now do not explain to us meanings of any poems we learnt - only when we're in K1, K2. But mummy's managed to find meanings through the internet (you think her Chinese that fantastic meh??) Hey! Mummy's learning too, you know? She never knew all these.

Anyway, the last poem I've learnt in school :

锄 禾 日当 午,
汗 滴 禾下 土,
谁 知 盘中 餐,
粒 粒 皆 辛苦。

Translation : This poem is wrote by an poet in the Tang dynasty. The poem expressed the pities he felt for the farmers. In the hot noon, the farmers worked under the shinning sun, every sweat dropped on the green field, every single rice contains the hard work of the farmers.



春眠不覺曉, 處處聞啼鳥。
夜來風雨聲, 花落知多少。

Translation : A SPRING MORNING

I awake light-hearted this morning of spring,
Everywhere round me the singing of birds --
But now I remember the night, the storm,
And I wonder how many blossoms were broken


紅豆生南國, 春來發幾枝。
願君多采擷, 此物最相思。

Translation : ONE-HEARTED

When those red berries come in springtime,
Flushing on your southland branches,
Take home an armful, for my sake,
As a symbol of our love.


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