Views from a Child's eyes

Sunday, December 17, 2006

My Concert

This morning, ma-ma was getting me ready to go to school; chasing after me to eat my porridge. I think I woke up much earlier than usual leh....... and by 7.30am I was already in school.
Ms Chan did our make up, Mdm Qiu tied our hair and then we were so noisy and playing around. As usual the teachers will be screaming at us.. and they look tired themselves runnign after us. Should tell them "if you think you can't wake up do early then next time don't make us come to school so early lah!

The bus took us to the same church. We were so happy, especially me - I hardly take the bus.

These are the videos of me dancing :
Hinei Ma Tov
The finale song - If you are Black or White

During my two class performances, I was the only one blooping the thing.
For the Korean dance, I almost tripped on my hanbok. Then, my headband dunno why keep covering my eyes.
But it's okay, I enjoyed myself on stage.

After the concert, mummy and daddy stood outside to pick me up. I saw my friends and enjoyed hugging them.



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