Views from a Child's eyes

Monday, June 19, 2006

18th - Aunty Kum Foong, Huixin & Wanxin 姐姐's visit

I have been waiting for this day since mummy told me Aunty Kum Foong, Huixin & Wanxin 姐姐 will come by to play with me after they last came by during the CNY.

I enjoyed myself today, I not only have 姐姐s to play with but also it means that mummy do not control me that much. I was given the freedom to eat all the snacks that she brought into my room for Huixin & Wanxin 姐姐. Although she did tell me not to eat so much but she's not in the room to supervise me....
She turned on the aircon on for us, and put in the Bible Songs for Kids CD for us. I did dance a little.
We played so much. The room was messy but mummy didn't scold me.

As mummy was not in the room, she couldn't video tape us. And she did not have much idea what we did in the room. She only managed to video-tape this. Click here

Aunty Kum Foong and 姐姐s were helpful in helping mummy to tidy up the mess. Mummy had to boil Barley for us to drink because of all the snacks we had.

Daddy & mummy ordered Pizza Hut but I didn't get to eat anything except the chicken. Mummy cooked porridge for me.

6 hours later, at about 9pm, Aunty Kum Foong said they had to go back home. I was very sad.
Mummy sent them to the train station, and I refused to say Goodbye to them. I am very tired and mummy asked me to go to bed. But I kept talking about 姐姐s until I went into the " Land of the ZZzz".


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