Views from a Child's eyes

Monday, January 22, 2007


Mummy said I am even more lucky that Aricia, having to travelled so much since I was 7 months old. It's coincident that they have the Children Mozart Festival this year (2years later) and that I've been to where he was born and lived. Having been brought around to "someone's house" when I asked who's house. I didn't know who Mozart is, although I've been seeing his face and hearing his music.
You see! Amongst all the composers, mummy's favourites are in chronological order : Mozart, Brahams, Strauss
Mummy has classical CDs and she even bought some Mozart Effect CDs for me and mei-mei about more than a year back.

Anyway, to tell you more about my daddy. Let me introduce you to my daddy ok?

You get to see alot of these paper statues of Mozart promoting 'Echte'. That's when I decided to call him daddy. Well.. he looks fatherly enough.

Mozart family lived in number 9 of Getreidegasse between 1747 and 1773. Mozart was born here in 1756, and in the actuality the building now houses a museum.

The kitchen then. We didn't take any photos after that as photography is not allowed. There is a room inside which I really enjoyed. I learnt how to make rain, wind and thunder sound through props.

Mozart Memorial
There was another house we went in Salzburg, in that place we saw the piano that he played, some scores, bed and many other interesting things.

Mozart Memorial

The composer lived at this address from 1784 till 1787.
Wolfgang Amadeus probably spent the happiest years of his life here. And it was here at Domgasse that he also penned his best compositions, including what is perhaps his most popular opera “The Marriage of Figaro”.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Children's Mozart Festival 2007

For the past 2 days, mummy brought me out alone for the Children's Mozart Festival. And I must say I did enjoy myself.

Yesterday we went dancing in the late morning. I never knew dancing was so slow and it goes with steps in Mozart's time. All the while I thought dancing was simply jumping up & down like I always do - for Hi5 songs. And we danced in a circle like we were in a trance. But.. on the whole I did enjoy myself...was quite tired though.

At the end of the 'dancing class' mummy asked to take photos of the String Quartet but they played music instead.
Video 1
Video 2
* No photos taken during the 'trance-ing' time coz we were dancing, remember? Mummy only took these after we came out of the trance.

Today (21st), I went for a concert. I was so excited - I'm going for a concert not a Sesame Street performance. She brought out a piece of paper with this drawing and explained to me where the instruments are. I told you! Mummy never gives me a break even when I'm supposed to be enjoying myself!!
There were infact only the: -
a)VIOLINS - lots of it mummy explained
The Chart mummy drew for me
They played four pieces of music (click on mummy's blog to hear sample tune on 3 songs). And these are the things that I've learnt today

♫ Concerto - A composition for an orchestra and one or more solo instruments, typically in three movements.
♫ Symphony -An extended piece in three or more movements for symphony orchestra.
♫ Movements- Parts of a symphony
♫ Conductor - One who directs an orchestra or other such group.
♫ Soprano -The highest singing voice of a woman
♫ Tenor - The middle voice in a choir. It's lower than Soprano
♫ Countertenor-A countertenor is a male adult who sings in an soprano range.
♫ Opera -A theatrical presentation in which a dramatic performance is set to music
♫ Difference in sounds between violin, viola, cello & double bass (which mummy had explained to me before but I haven't heard it all to compare. So today I had the chance to listen to all the individual musical instruments)
♫ At the intermission, we went to the stage to get up close to the instruments. Actually....have seen it in yamaha before but today I heard the sound each instruments make and can experiment on the instruments.
Uncle holding the violin
This lucky girl was a conductor. I wish I was up there. Mummy said I was too timid to bring up my hands that why.
Uncle Adrian is the conductor
Uncle Leslie was the 'Tenor', singing to the Opera Bastien et Bastinenne
Aunty holding onto a cello
So cold.....brr.....
What an educational outing today. I enjoyed myself and I've learnt alot of new things.
Mummy said when I've learnt to still throughout a performance, she will bring me to the SSO concerts and musicals.
I told mummy I wanted to learn the violin, and she said I still have to go through the 4 year YJC but I dowan.... I want to play like that 15yr-old kor kor..he played so well on the piano. Mummy said whatever I learn, I need to practice and practice. Without the 4yr course I don't even know how to read notes. I told her "yes I know, I know 'Do' and 'Re'. Mummy kept quiet. See! I told you adults know nothing at all!!

Questions I asked mummy :

1)why everybody wear black
2)why they turn off our lights except the front (stage)
Can you answer?

Something additional which mummy taught me :

The main instruments of the orchestra belong to four main categories:
Strings : violin, viola, cello, double bass,harp
They're played by drawing a bow over four stretched strings pitched five tones apart. They can also be plucked - called pizzicato (which they did and mummy pointed out to me) - or even, occasionally, strummed like a guitar.
Woodwind: recorder, piccolo, flute, clarinet, oboe, english horn, basson,saxophone
They're played by blowing into the mouthpiece whether its by the side or end of tube
Brass: trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba
Brass players control their instruments by means of valves, and have to master 'embouchure' – the technique of using the mouth muscles to create notes of different pitch.
Percussion:piano,organ,tambourine,cymbals,triangle,bassdrum,timpani,tubular bells,xylophone
They are played by beating with sticks, mechanical hammers, bare hands – or clashed together like the cymbols, the castanets or the whip.


Saturday, January 20, 2007

My new toy

Mummy bought me this today, after our outing (post will be entered tomorrow)

This game is designed to help children with adding and subtracting while at the same time having fun.
Children count the passengers on their red bus while reacing around the board game.
To win the game you have to have the most passengers when the bus gets stationed.
Suitable for children aged 4 and over.
2 - 4 players

Monday, January 15, 2007

I'm a big girl...

since I'm in K1 I reckon' I must be a big girl...

And today I asked to use chopsticks and wanted to eat by myself. Mummy's so proud of me (for the time being)

Click here

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Elizabeth's Birthday Party

I had been looking forward to Elizabeth's party since I received her invitation. This morning, I woke up early and asked mummy "is it today Saturday?" and I have been an obedient girl without making a fuss the whole morning.

We left home around 1.35pm and dropped ma-ma back home before making our way to the party. Amanda was already there when we arrived.Since I had some thing to eat before I left home, so I took little food there. I kept sticking to mummy and wanted to pull mummy wherever I go, but she kept nudging me to play on my own & continued talking. (wonder why she can talk so much..) After some time, I decided that I better play otherwise I'll go home with nothing to show daddy. I did some colouring
and played with Playdoh while mummy talked to Aunty Helen and another new Aunty.
Then it was Pinata time, Aunty Jenny got the pinata from the same lady who did my carriage pinata. I was so happy coz' I know I had to pull the strings, Amanda wanted to pull the strings just like many other children. Then I held her back while waiting for the uncles to get ready. We then pulled and many things dropped, I started to pick up things. I don't know if I've picked up alot of things but mummy said she's proud of me that I've finally come out of my shell. (I used to be so shy during parties sticking to daddy & mummy.. maybe coz' now I'm a big girl already - I'm in K1 leh!)It doesn't matter if I don't pick up alot. Anyway even if I do, mummy wouldn't allow me to eat all of it.

After that it was the birthday song. When one uncle was lighting the candles, the aircon kept the candles from being lighted up. Then they moved the table infront; we followed; Elizabeth's dad turned off the aircon; pushed back table to original position; we moved back. Then it took him a long long time to light up the candles - just becoz' Adam kept blowing off the candles everytime he light up one. And this went on for a long time, he kept pushing me out of my standing space. I was bigger size than him and stayed on so he had no choice. Ha!
See the Naughty Boy.1
Naughty Boy.2

Finally after a long long time (need I repeat this word?) we sang the birthday song for Elizabeth.
Aunty Jenny cut the cake and I got my slice of cake. I love birthday cakes!!
I would always find a place to sit down and eat on my own. Yummy! Mummy didn't have any cake coz' she needs to be on a diet (truth is - she finished one whole Opera cake-700g she bought from Carrefour, and a few slices of hazelnut cake, and 2 chocolate brownies 2 days ago. Fat fat mummy..)
After the cake, Amanda and me started playing. We were running round and round; playing with balloons. I was enjoying myself and definitely I didn't bother mummy at all while she chatted.
The party ended at 4.30pm and we made our way back.Not before my blogger mummy had to take this photo.Last one for the day..........hopefully! I still had the company of Aunty Helen, Uncle Mike and Amanda as mummy gave them a lift home. This time Amanda and me did not fight in the car.
I enjoyed myself today and showed daddy & mummy the things I picked up. Mummy liked the mask
I took quite alot of lollipops so I let Aunty Zet have one and gave two to mei-mei to play. See what she's doing.. so cute!
This is how you play the maracas
Oh you mean... this is not the maracas?
Can eat huh??
Umm..nice!Oh cannot eat the wrapping?
The unorthodox way of wearing a mask
Ah..that's more like it!!
Baby Aricia is that you??
No! It's Zorro (and I'm Catherine Zeta Jones)

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Oh.............another birthday cake!!

Oh yes! I get to eat another birthday cake today. Today is ma-ma's birthday, together everybody went out to celebrate for ma-ma. I had my mee mee at the same restaurant that daddy & mummy brought me 4 months ago, before mei-mei was born. Wow! time flies huh?
We sang the birthday song and I tucked into the most delicious hazelnut chocolate cake. This time round, I dare not stand next to the cake, coz' on Christmas Day they sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and I was standing there and they teased me.....anyway, I'd prefer to sit down and wait for my cake - a big one I asked for. Before heading home, daddy drove past Joo Chiat to buy some rice dumplings. Mummy took these photos of me in the car while waiting for daddy.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Me & my hanbok

I was having fun during this photo-session
Photos of me taken about a week ago, mummy forgot to load it in


Ways to keep a baby quiet is to..................

stick your finger in her mouth! Well, at least my mei-mei didn't mind.
