Views from a Child's eyes

Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Singapore Girl in training

Mummy's been training me to be a future Singapore Girl.

Safety video: During decompression, oxygen masks will automatically drop from the compartments above.
Safety video: In the case of any evacuation, go to the nearest door and run for your life.
Tips from a newbie stewardess : when you feel sick. Use the airsickness bag
Service : Sir,would you like to have bear bear or mamee mee?
After meal service, then I can sit down and have my meals
Thank you for flying Singapore Airlines. Goodbye and see you again.

Just what is mummy up to?

First, mummy can't wait to bring in to school today. Then she pulls me out from school at 2pm. I was dreaming of my lollipops when Ms Chan had to wake up up *slurp* .
When we got back mama's home, mummy gave me another shower when I just had mine in school not long ago. Immediately she took my short and shirt to the kitchen. Was she trying to burn them? I saw her putting them in a pot and stiring. What is mummy cooking huh?
Then came the interrogation part:
M : Did Braxton touch you in school?
A: No
M: Did you touch Braxton in school?
A: No
M: Now, Braxton has HFMD, mummy wants you to wash your hands everytime you touch something. I'm going to let you stay at home for one week.
A: (Yippee!!! Means I can play and play. No need to attend school. And watch all my VCDs) (But just what is HFMD? I've got Hands, Foot and Mouth what......... so is it an illness?)
Then I don't know if mummy's senile or what. Asked me the same questions again 15 minutes later.
Is mummy being overtly conscious?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Can't believe they actually forgot

Ever since I celebrated my 3rd birthday last November, mummy has been forgetting about the monthly 25th small celebration they have for me.
Today, I'm 40 months old. Obviously she has forgotten about it. I had mantou at the Seafood place - does that count?

My Door Hanger

Today is Art & Craft day at home. Mummy let me make a door hanger for my room. Mummy remembered I like Princess, so she bought this Sleeping Beauty and another Snow White for me to choose. I like Sleeping Beauty better because I'm just like her - but I love to sleep she's been forced to sleep - waiting for my Prince to come and kiss me.
I chose Orange colour as the colour for the ice cream sticks. I helped mummy put glue on the sticks but I made a mess of it. Mummy decided to stick the sticks herself and let me do the painting.Papa tried to lend a helping hand but I didn't like it and pushed him away.

It's still not done. She needs to write something on the top either : My Room or Athena's Room. Now she's trying to get the Disney fonts into her computer... (she forgot how to open ZIP file) and then trace it over.

Time being I'm so proud I have a door hanger. Mummy promised me another Art & Craft session next week. Now she's trying her best to collect tissue boxes for me.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Good mood today

Teacher Peggy said I'm in a good mood - truth is YES! That's because mummy promised me Chawanmushi.

At first I was not singing loud in class and stood there staring at the children. Then mummy started to whisper into my ears. Immediately, I sang out loud. At one point when we had to put on Jerry Jinglebirds into our fingers, I started singing "Two Little Blackbirds...." Then she started laughing and said I'm in a good mood.

I just couldn't wait for the class to end.

I had my Chawanmushi,Salmon skin and Kakiage. Yummy....

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tang Poetry

Mdm Qiu have been teaching us this Tang Poetry for the past 2 weeks.
Today, mummy saw from the list that Ms Chan gave her on what we've been learning in school. She asked me to recite, and then she tried - haha! mummy can't read.

Mummy managed to find a website that has 300 Tang poetries and managed to find it. Most importantly, she needs the translation to understand what she was reading. I don't know if I'm the one learning it or her?

Extracted from :


春眠不覺曉, 處處聞啼鳥。
夜來風雨聲, 花落知多少。

Translation: Meng Haoran

I awake light-hearted this morning of spring,
Everywhere round me the singing of birds --
But now I remember the night, the storm,
And I wonder how many blossoms were broken.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

My First Excursion

She clipped her fringe- so ugly
Fooling around in the car
Ps: More photos can be seen in mummy's blog

You might think that being in the childcare, I would have gone on many excursions with my school. Truth is, its my first trip with them today.
Mummy brought me to school early to let me have my breakfast with my classmates. We left in a big bus and Javier is my partner. I sat next to him and Ms Chan stood close to us in the bus. At the Botanical Gardens, we walked around a little and Ms Chan brought us to see Orchids. Err... I think they're flowers. What I remember clearly is our chance to play ball with my friends and have a picnic together. Most of us were feeling tired in the bus and almost fell asleep. We reached back school at 1plus, had a quick shower, quick lunch and we were asked to take our nap. We didn't disobey Ms Chan and slept at 2pm, woke up at 4.45pm. Just in time, mummy came by to pick me up from school for my music lesson. I want to go on more excursion trips again.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

My new doll - Nicole

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Bad mood

I didn't do much in my Little Notes class today and mummy isn't at all pleased with me. At one time I was playing with the stool and cut my leg. And from that time I just sat down and sulked.I kept asking mummy for plaster but she said she hasn't go any. So what she did was she tore a small piece of tissue; used a scotchtape to tape on my leg. And I was happy... I could stand up but still with a limp.
After the class, I told mummy "I did very well and I can colour colour." She said "No, you didn't do well today." I didn't retaliate when we walked away from that place and I think I deserve it. Mummy brought me to Guardian to get my plasters and she bought me Chicken Little plasters. I asked her when is Godma going to buy me my Elmo plasters, she said she don't know but will ask Godma to help me buy lots of plasters when she goes to US - they have Dora also!
We went to the Chinese sinseh to see me for my cough. Then mummy was thinking of going to MarryBrown's but it's been replaced by KFC now. Mummy's sad....I have a toy. It's a magic toy.
When we got back home, I showed daddy magic. Daddy said I was so smart to do magic. Umm.. I'm Athena The Mighty Magician.
Then I saw mummy's MotherHood magazine on the table. I sat down and opened the magazine and was flipping the pages. Then something caught my eyes and I kept staring at the page. Mummy was surprised to see me all so quiet and reading; turned to look at what I was reading. It's the Want Want Advertisement Page!!!! I was looking at all the nice snacks I can have and drinks. Mummy spoilt my daydreaming.

Monday, March 06, 2006

My trophy and trophies collection

I won this in the recent Cutest Kid Contest-Dec05
as 1st runner up

My trophies collection from all the baby competitions Our display unit in the dining area. Top tier: my space. 2nd tier: favors and some small things she bought from Germany. Last tier: Stuffs bought from Japan & Germany